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Get started now

You are only 3 steps away from supercharging your WordPress site.

  • Trusted by Fortune 500 companies,
    universities and large agencies.
  • 100% secure payment processed
    by Braintree and secured by RapidSSL.

your order



Monthly Annual

Switch to annual Switch to monthly


$ {{ getPrice }} USD


{{ getDiscount === 0 ? '-' : '$' + getDiscount + 'USD' }}


{{ subTotal !== null ? '$' + getSubTotal + 'USD' : '-' }}

VAT {{ getVATRate }}

{{ getVAT }}

{{ newUser.promoCode }}

Your Discount will be applied in the next step.

Discount applied.

Total {{ this.step === 'account' ? getTotal : '$' + getTotal + 'USD' }}

🎁 ✨

Get the first month for only $1, then enjoy a 10% lifetime discount.

All monthly subscriptions:

  • Include a 60-day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

🎁 ✨

4 months free are applied on the first billing cycle, followed by our standard “2 months free” yearly discount.

All annual subscriptions:

  • Have a two-month free Discount included in the price.

  • Do not include our 60-day Money Back Guarantee.

support icon In case of any issue please contact our support .

Step 1: Fill in your login details

Email field is required Email is not valid Email is not available
Password field is required Password field must contain at least one lowcase letter Password field must contain at least one uppercase letter Password field must contain at least one number Password field must be at least 8 characters Password field must be maximum 32 characters Your password must be 8 to 32 characters long and include at least one uppercase, one lowercase and one number character.

Step 2: Select Datacenter region

Datacenter region is required Choose the datacenter region that is the closest to your visitors. For example, if your customer base is in Europe, choose London (UK) datacenter. We constantly work on expanding our presence on more regions. If you have specific requirements in mind, please contact us at Please note: The datacenter region of your account cannot be changed once the account is provisioned.

Step 2: Step 3: Fill in your billing information

Company Name is required Please only use Latin alphabet
Company Name is required
VAT is not valid
First name is required Please only use Latin alphabet
Last name is required Please only use Latin alphabet
Telephone is required Telephone must contain only numbers
Address is required Address must be less than 50 characters Please only use Latin alphabet
Postal Code is required Please only use Latin alphabet
City is required Please only use Latin alphabet
State is required Please only use Latin alphabet
Country is required
Captcha is required Captcha is not valid

Step 3: Fill in your credit card details

We accept all major debit and credit cards

Cardholder Name is required
Credit Card is required Credit Card is not valid
Expiry month is required
Expiry year is required
Security Code is required Security Code must be a number Security Code must be 3 or 4 digits Security Code must be 3 or 4 digits

You need to agree to the Terms & Conditions
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