This is a brief update to announce that we’ve disabled TLS 1.0, in accordance with PCI’s Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirement changes. We’ll be supporting only TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 from now on. Although the ‘SSL’ name stuck, TLS is a more modern version of SSL that is used nowadays (it was originally developed by Netscape, in the 90’s).
The PCI Security Standards Council is a global organisation that oversees the technologies and security standards used in Internet payment systems. Due to the alarming amount of security problems found in earlier versions of SSL and TLS (one such example is the somewhat recent POODLE attack), PCI strongly encourages the deprecation of TLS 1.0 and the upgrade to a secure alternative. The deadline for this change to take place is June 30th, 2018.
Your business is PCI-compliant with Pressidium
The TLS 1.0 deprecation affected mostly clients that process payments through their WordPress site. The update was automatic and seamless, so nothing was needed on your part. As we now only support TLS 1.1 and 1.2, your web browser will receive an HTTPS communication error and won’t be able to connect, if it requests tlsv1.0
Although it is very difficult to estimate the total percentage of global TLS 1.0 traffic, it is considered to be very low, mostly originating from pre-5.0 Android devices. According to Cloudflare, the total amount of their service’s TLS 1.0 traffic for 2017 was under 10%:
We are monitoring browsers and traffic to track the percentage of TLS 1.0+1.1 traffic relative to the total volume of encrypted traffic. In October 2014, this traffic was approximately 30% of all encrypted traffic on Cloudflare’s network. In February 2015, this traffic was less than 22% of all encrypted traffic on Cloudflare’s network. In June 2017, this traffic was less than 10% of all encrypted traffic on Cloudflare’s network.
Here is a list of web browsers that support TLS 1.1 and 1.2, according to caniuse.com.
As your WordPress site is hosted on a highly-available WordPress infrastructure, and not just on one server, the update did not cause any downtime.