Whether you’re running a business website or a popular blog hosted on a server, you’ll eventually come across the topic of WordPress caching and how its use can improve your WordPress website performance. All you need to do is Google something like “How do I make my website faster” and it will happily spit out thousands of listicles, articles and blog posts including plugin or server related guides on how you can benefit from caching.
In nearly all of these posts, the author will mention caching at some point. That’s because enabling caching for web documents such as HTML pages and images, helps to reduce your bandwidth usage. It also has a hand in reducing your server load as well as any perceived lag you might experience. So simply put, caching your WordPress website server-side usually leads to a faster experience all round.
How Can Pressidium’s Adaptive Caching Improve Your Website Performance?
Now in normal circumstances, the popular way to enable caching in WordPress, is to install a plugin. The plugin has oodles of options for you to tweak and you can alter almost every setting under the sun.
But do you really need yet another plugin? Do you really have to go through the hassle of learning how that plugin works, so you can use it properly?
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Okay granted, there are some of us who like nothing more than to tinker, and that’s fine. You keep doing your thing. For the rest of us, there is another option and it comes in the form of a unique, multi-layer Adaptive Caching platform, something we’ve built to use throughout our infrastructure.
So here’s 6 ways this system can really improve and help polish the performance of your WordPress website.
1. Popular WordPress Plugins Get Mapped To Different Caching Groups
Our team have done their research into which plugins you guys like to use the most. With this data we’ve sorted those plugins into different categories. The categories have then been mapped to separate caching groups or “cache levels”, which results in settings tuned perfectly to each groups caching needs.
2. Installs Are Monitored To Intuitively Change Cache Levels
It’s not just plugins that we monitor. We keep both eyes on your WordPress install on the server and if we find one of the pre-categorized plugins we mentioned above, we’ll change your caching level so that it won’t break your website.
3. Mobile Devices Get Special Caching Treatment
Mobile content is a big deal right now. With the continually changing algorithms of the big ‘G’ we like to stay one step ahead of the game. This is why our Adaptive Caching technique identifies mobile devices and caches content versions based on your responsive design for mobile as opposed to the content of desktop devices. That is of course if your website is mobile responsive. If it’s not, you’ll probably need to re-think your entire design.
4. Multi-Language Support
Linking in with the above point, Pressidium’s Adaptive Caching can also identify a visitor’s country and redirect to a URL with the appropriate language. For example all users from Italy visiting a website will be redirected to mywebsite.com/?lang=it and they’ll see the content in Italian. (It’s worth pointing out that this functionality is not automated. If you require it, you’d need to let us know through a Support Ticket and we’d trigger it for you.)
5. E-commerce Plugins Get Their Own Cache-level
eCommerce is big business. A fast, efficient system is not only important from your customer’s point-of-view but Google’s as well. It’s a known fact that faster websites tend to rank higher in search results. With this in mind we have a specific cache-level for WooCommerce and other eCommerce plugins which can be further fine-tuned based on your website’s unique URLs.
6. Caching Fine-Tuned Per Website
Our Adaptive Caching technique can be fine tuned on a per website basis too. This means if you have extremely demanding or complicated caching rules, you can discuss those very particular needs with our DevOps team and our caching will adapt to fit them.
What This Means For You And Your WordPress Website
- Forget about setting up complex plugins, you won’t need them anymore.
- Combined with our full Managed WordPress Hosting infrastructure, your website will be primed with the potential to reach its fastest possible speeds.
- Your customers and clients will be able to browse your website more easily, without having to wait for images and other content to load.
- Our Adaptive Caching profiles your site’s traffic to enforce the most efficient caching rules for your site.
- Your WordPress website will work more efficiently, with improved performance, resulting in more potential revenue for you and your business.
Caching plugins are a thing of the past. With Pressidium’s advanced Adaptive Caching system, already built into our Managed WordPress Hosting platform, there’s simply no need for them. Utilizing server-side caching on your websites, WordPress or not, is an evolution from what people are used to. Yet as with any kind of evolution, there’s a good reason for it. That reason is progress and performance.
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