Scheduled maintenance of Pressidium API and Pressidium Dashboard
2023-NOV-09 09:30 UTC (RESOLVED)
The scheduled maintenance for the Pressidium Dashboard and API has been successfully completed. All systems are now operational and you can access the Dashboard as usual. We appreciate your patience during this period.
2023-NOV-09 09:00 UTC (IN PROGRESS)
We’re in the midst of our planned maintenance for the Pressidium Dashboard and API. Access to these platforms is temporarily on hold until the maintenance is complete. Rest assured, your website’s functionality is unaffected and continues to operate normally
2023-NOV-07 17:30 UTC (OPEN)
We will be performing maintenance on our backend servers on Thursday, November 09 2023 from 09:00 UTC until 09:30 UTC.The Pressidium Dashboard and the Pressidium API will not be available while the maintenance is underway. During the maintenance, there will be no impact on your website, and for you and your visitors, it will be business as usual.